Weighing Scale

Weighing Scale

UP Scales has the official Legal Metrology Department and Weight & Measurement Department License for Providing Government Approved weighing Machine with Government Verification Certificate and Stamping.

UP Scales Provide Following Weighing Machine

  1. Industrial Weighing Scales
  2. Platform weighing scales
  3. Electronic Weighing Scales
  4. Analytical Weighing balance
  5. Weighing Machine For shop
  6. Table Top Weighing scales
  7. Laboratory weighing scales
  8. Bench weighing scales
  9. Jewellery weighing scales
  10. Crane Scales
  11. Electronic Weighing Machine 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 300kg, 500kg, 1000kg, 2000kg, 3000kg & 5000kg.
  12. Piece Counting Weighing Machine
  13. Weighing Machine with Printer
  14. Price Computing Weighing Machine
  15. Weighing Machine Indicators
  16. Weighing Machine External Display
  17. Weighing Machine Load Cell
  18. Electronic Weighing Machine Repair.
  19. Industrial weighing machine Repair

Most Popular Weighing Scale

  • Industrial Weighing Scales Delhi – We have multiple ranges in Industrial Weighing Scale according to Industrial needs. Our industrial range includes Platform weighing Scales, Heavy-duty Platform weighing scale, Hanging Scale, Crane Scale, Bench Weighing Scale, Counting weighing scale which all have multiple weighing range from 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 300kg, 500kg, 1 Ton, 2 Ton, 5 Ton and More. All Industrial weighing scales are government approved and have Government Calibration Certificate and Government Stamping.
  • Weighing Machine for Shop Delhi – Used in shops and market environments and come in Multiple size and Accuracy, Our Weighing Machine For Shops ranges include Tabletop, Counting scale, Printing scale, bench scale, Counter scale and more comes in various Accuracy 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 50kg, and 100kg. All weighing Machines have Government Calibration Certificate.
  • Platform Weighing Scale Delhi – Platform Weighing Scale is Mostly used Weighing Scales for Industries’ purpose. They Come with Heavy Plate and Indicator on Pole. The Platform Weighing Scale comes in a wide variety of weighing range and size, 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 300kg, 500kg, 1 Ton, 2 Ton, 3 Ton, 5 Ton and more and Comes in Platform size of 300×300, 400×400, 500×500, 600×600, 400×500, 500×600 and Custome also available as per customer need. All Platform weighing scales are come with Government Passing & Stamping with Calibration Certificate. Our all weighing scale are Government approved for use in Commerical and Personal use
  • Platform Weighing Scale Delhi – Platform Weighing Scale is Mostly used Weighing Scales for Industries’ purpose. They Come with Heavy Plate and Indicator on Pole. The Platform Weighing Scale comes in a wide variety of weighing range and size, 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 300kg, 500kg, 1 Ton, 2 Ton, 3 Ton, 5 Ton and more and Comes in Platform size of 300×300, 400×400, 500×500, 600×600, 400×500, 500×600 and Custome also available as per customer need. All Platform weighing scales are come with Government Passing & Stamping with Calibration Certificate. Our all weighing scale is Government approved for use in Commerical and Personal use.
  • Crane Scale Delhi – We have a wide variety of Crane scale according to Industrial need and Personal use with a wide range of 10kg, 20kg, 30kg, 50kg, 100kg, 200kg, 300kg, 500kg, 1 Ton and More with Government passing, Government Stamping & Calibration Certificate.
  • Jewellery Scale Delhi – We have a wide range of Jewellery scales with high precision and accuracy, Our Jewellery Scale comes in a wide range of Capacity 100gm, 200gm, 300gm, 400gm, 500gm, 1kg, 2kg, 3kg, 5kg & 10kg with Government Passing, Stamping & Calibration Certificate. Our High precision Jewellery Scale is Government approved for use in Commercial and Personal uses.
  • Analytical weighing balance Delhi  – We have very high Precision analytical weighing balance even they can measure the weight of water droplets with Much accuracy comes in a wide range and readability never saw before, 1gm, 2gm, 5gm, 10gm, 20gm, 30gm, 50gm, 100gm, 200gm, 300gm, 500gm, 1kg, 2kg, 3kg & 5kg with Calibration Certificate and Government Stamping. Our high precision Laboratory weighing balance is Government approved for use in Personal and commercial use.
  • Government Stamping, Passing & Calibration Certificate in Delhi for Weighing scales, Weighbridge & Concrete Batching Plant – UP Scales have official Government license of Weight and Measure department for Providing annually Government Passing, Stamping & Calibration Certificate for Weighing Scales, Weighbridge/Truck Scales & RMC Concrete Plant or Concrete Batching Plant.