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Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg

(3 customer reviews)
UP Scales

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Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg is specially designed for Industries & Shops. This Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface is manufactured by UP Scales and gives complete assurance of the durability of Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity and UP Scales manufactured this scale in two different body designs, first come in Complete metal body and second variant in Stainless steel body. This Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg is one of its own kind this digital weighing scale with a computer interface has three weighing scale features in one – Weighing, Counting, Computing & litre Conversion.

Our Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg is approved by the legal metrology department and Weight & Measurement department for use in Commercial and Personal Use. For more information or booking about Platform weighing scale 50 kg, you can also call us on 9899008683.

Get Free Delivery & Installation of all Weighing Scale in Only Delhi NCR – Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Delhi, Gurugram, and Meerut (Note* –  UP Scales don’t provide delivery & installation in outer Delhi NCR).

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Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg

Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg is specially designed for Industries & Shops. This Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface is manufactured by UP Scales and gives complete assurance of the durability of Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity and UP Scales manufactured this scale in two different body designs, first come in Complete metal body and second variant in Stainless steel body. This Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg is one of its own kind this digital weighing scale with a computer interface has three weighing scale features in one – Weighing, Counting, Computing & liter Conversion.

Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg and readability 0.01 gm/ 0.001 gm/ 0.05 gm.

Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg has too many rich features like RS232C port for data transfer in Computer, Installation software to import the data on Excel Sheet, Installation software to get the data anywhere on the Cursor,  Printer and Display, 16 bit MCU for very low power consumption, 4 level calibration & 3 levels of accuracy, product/memory add function up to 99 items, stable reading on low battery and more.

Features of Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg

  1. Weighing, Computing, Counting & liter conversion.
  2. RS232C port for computer /printer / Booth Display (optional)
  3. Installation software to import the data on Excel Sheet
  4. Installation software to get the data anywhere on the Cursor
  5. 16bit MCU for very low power consumption
  6. Low battery Indication & power-off function
  7. Standby mode & auto power off under idle conditions
  8. 4 level calibration for greater linearity & 3 levels of accuracy
  9. Memory adds function up to 99 items.
  10. RTC for Time and date on print out (optional)
  11. It can display the total weight of all records.
  12. 40 Hours battery backup with CCCV charging
  13. Stable reading on low battery
  14. Auto-Add function
  15. With Government Calibration Certificate, Government stamping & Passing.
  16. One year Replacement warranty
  17. Calibration Certificate and Government stamping by Legal Metrology Department
  18. Free Same day delivery & Installation in Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad & Delhi NCR

Our Digital Weighing Scale With Computer Interface Capacity 50 kg is approved by the legal metrology Department and Weight & Measure department for use in commercial and personal use.

Get Free Delivery, Installation &  COVID-19 Guidelines

Get Free Delivery & Installation of all Weighing Scale in Only Delhi NCR – Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Delhi, Gurugram, and Meerut (Note* –  UP Scales don’t provide delivery & installation in outer Delhi NCR).

Our Delivery & Installation Engineers follow all COVID-19 guidelines while delivering & Installation of Weighing Scales given by the Indian Health Ministry and World Health Organization.



UP Scales


Black, steel body

Calibration Certificate

Yes, Government Calibration Certificate and stamping (Legal Metrology Department)



Free Delivery & Installation

Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad & Delhi NCR


Platform weighing scale 50 kg
Model Platform weighing scale
Capacity 50 kg
Readability 0.001 gm, 0.01 gm, 0.05 gm
Calibration Certificate Yes
Government stamping Yes
Model 3rd Class


Based on 3 reviews

5.0 overall

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    Outstanding Performance, master platform weighing scale thanks UP Scales for on time delivery & Installation



    Best Weighing Scale with Computer Communication Port thanks UP Scales for On time delivery & Installation



    Best Platform scale under 50 kg accuracy with RS232 Port Thanks UP Scales for Platform scale


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